Detroit Activist Ramon Jackson Exposes WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD: Testifies that Innocent People Are Being Used To Steal Multiple Elections: “People are Actually Being Registered Unlawfully Back to Detroit when they leave Detroit” [VIDEO]

Detroit resident “The Advocate” Ramon Jackson, who spent the majority of his life living in Detroit, spoke in front of the Michigan House of Representatives Election Integrity Commission on Tuesday morning.

During his powerful testimony, Jackson, who the popular Detroit Pastor Lorenzo Sewell accompanied, told the committee the Secretary of State’s office along with Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey’s office,  are “preying” on individuals in Detroit who “fit a pattern” of having never voted or rarely voted, and either frequently move within the city of Detroit or have moved out of state and received an out-of-state license.

Jackson told the committee that he had concrete evidence of multiple voters who had signed affidavits to support his claims.

The Detroit activist told the committee members that once these individuals have been identified using the criteria he mentioned, they are falsely being registered to vote and are being voted for in multiple elections.

Ramon Jackson told the Michigan House Election Integrity Committee:

“People have voters registered to their homes in Detroit, and they don’t have no clue who these people is. And this is how the voter lists are being inflated with fraudulent voters. This is how the registrations is being inflated. People are actually being registered unlawfully back to Detroit when they leave Detroit, or when they move to a different city or a different state. Everybody knows Detroit has been bleeding population for years. And everybody know we got unstable people that move constantly around Detroit— 20 times in 20 years! These are the people they preying on! People are unstable—got a low to no voter history—and they grab them and register them to vote, and they [the names of the people used to vote] don’t have a clue!”

Mr. Jackson further explains how he believes MI SOS Jocelyn Benson is exchanging information with ERIC to identify voters” who fit these patterns by profiling them.

Michigan is one of a handful of states that contracts the “clean up” of their voter rolls with a third-party, nonprofit organization that was previously chaired by far-left activist David Becker, ERIC (Election Registration Information Center).

ERIC was established by Pew Charitable Trusts, a left-of-center nonprofit advocacy and grantmaking organization, in 2012. 990 tax data shows that one year prior in 2011, grantmaking organization Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS), funded by philanthropist George Soros, provided two grants to Pew Charitable Trusts totaling $725,000, “to support the Pew Center on the States’ voter registration modernization initiative” and “expand [its] scope and scale.”

Ramon Jackson spoke about how the voter rolls are being inflated by adding fake registrations that turn into votes in the city of Detroit. Jackson also tied ERIC into his testimony before the bipartisan election commission.

“People are actually being registered unlawfully when they move out of Detroit to another state. “Everybody knows Detroit’s population is bleeding,” he said. “ERIC plays a part into this whole elaborate scheme,” Jackson said, claiming, “ERIC is exchanging data with our [MI] Secretary of State [Jocelyn Benson], doing what you call ‘profiles on people’ once they move.”

He continued, “If you look up ERIC’s mission statement, ERIC will tell you that we do this.” Jackson explained, “When you move, we do a profile on this person to see whether or not they voted—what’s their voter history? This is where the cheat sheet is coming from,” he claims.

“Once ERIC do a profile on the person who moved away, then—and say this person ain’t voted or they got a low [voter] history or never ever voted—that makes this person a prime candidate to be re-registered back to Detroit and then put on the [voter] rolls!” Jackson explained.

Ramon Jackson says when he discovered the names of the people who are being registered to vote and to vote without their knowledge, as a way to cheat the elections in Detroit, he was disappointed to discover, “Most of the people don’t have a clue this is going on” or “they don’t care!”

A clip from Jackson’s testimony, where the outspoken advocate for fair elections in Detroit, explains to the MI House Election Integrity Committee about the distinct “pattern” of individuals who are being used to “vote” illegally or without their authority in elections, can be seen here:

During his testimony, Ramone Jackson said Detroit is the “epicenter” of election fraud in Michigan, as he passionately asked the lawmakers to help him prevent future elections from being stolen “by Democrats.”

This article is Part I in a series of articles about Mr. Jackson’s powerful testimony in front of the Michigan House Election Integrity Committee. Our next installment will address the “iron-clad” evidence of voter fraud discovered in Detroit that Ramon Jackson and the popular Pastor Lorenzo Sewell have compiled.

The post Detroit Activist Ramon Jackson Exposes WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD: Testifies that Innocent People Are Being Used To Steal Multiple Elections: “People are Actually Being Registered Unlawfully Back to Detroit when they leave Detroit” [VIDEO] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.