Nonviolent Comedian Convicted For Satire After January 6th is Still Fighting the DOJ After Serving a Three Year Sentence! “Convicted For Thought Crimes!” INSANE MUST-READ STORY!

As a Constitutional extremist, this reporter believes there are no exceptions to the First Amendment. As the famous quote goes- “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

NRP recently issued a hit piece on President Trump. The piece was titled “Trump’s Bedminster Club Hosted an Alleged Nazi Sympathizer who Stormed the Capitol”. The sole purpose of the article was to damage the campaign of President Trump by association with a so-called “Nazi”.

That so-called Nazi is convicted J6er Timothy Hale-Cusanelli. The Army veteran and comedian spent three years in jail for perceived THOUGHT CRIMES.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli speaks at President Trump’s Bedminster Golf Course.

The Feds and mainstream media were delighted to find a satirical photo of Hale-Cusinelli dressed up as Hitler dating back to the Covid lockdowns of 2020. They found the perfect poster child to use to dishonestly misrepresent President Trump and his supporters as “anti-semitic.” The Feds and their partners in the media used the photo to craft a false narrative around Hale-Cusinelli during the first round of January 6th FBI raids and arrests in 2021.

We decided it would be appropriate to give Hale-Cusanelli the opportunity to defend himself and tell his story. (Please see his full statement below.)

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli dressed as a satirical Hitler “endorsing” tyrannical Democratic Governor Phil Murphy during the unconstitutional COVID lockdowns of 2020.

This is Hale-Cusanelli’s statement on the Hitler photo:

“The government deceptively released information about me to the press in order to convince the general public that I was not only a bigot, but that I went to the Capitol dressed as Hitler. They lied. The famous pictures of me with a “Hitler mustache” were from satirical photos I took a year before January 6. I made a series of clips posing as Hitler endorsing the abuse of emergency powers and Covid lockdowns by Democratic Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey. I was an actor and comedian and everyone knew I produced satire since I was 14 years old. Even in the US Army I was chosen as our unit historian, not merely because I was a history major, but because my superiors loved my satirical cartoons memorializing training exercises. The most egregious thing about my case isn’t just that I was denied bail and locked in solitary confinement for a year over jokes – it’s that these fake thought crimes ultimately had nothing to do with my conduct at the Capitol where I peacefully protested with an American flag in a suit. Yes, the feds had to push the narrative I dressed like Hitler at the Capitol because in truth I went to DC on January 6 wearing a suit, tie and brand new dress shoes. And now the precedent has been set to prosecute Americans over memes, jokes, words and thoughts. They used my case as a Trojan horse to hurt President Trump and gut the Bill of Rights.”

If dressing satirically as Hitler or a Nazi is deserving of jail time, then elitists Sarah Silverman or Prince Harry should have shared a cell in the DC Gulag with Hale-Cusanelli for three years.

Sarah Silverman dressed as Adolf Hitler “to criticize Trump” on a late night show. It was painfully un-funny.
Prince Harry dressed as a Nazi.
An artistic rendition of Hale Cusanelli’s photo, courtesy of New York Magazine’s fake news article titled: “The GOP’s Surrender to the Antisemite”.

Read Julie Kelly’s excellent article on the specifics of Hale-Cusanelli’s case and the government’s assault on free speech here.

“Having meme’s with racial slurs on a cell phone and making crude, derogatory comments, no matter how offensive, are NOT against the law,” wrote Kelly of Hale-Cusanelli’s case. “Yet.”

Follow Timothy on Twitter here.

The government recognized the fact that Hale-Cusanelli came on January 6th dressed in a suit and tie, conducted himself like a gentleman, entered the Capitol peacefully and left when police asked him to.

Hale-Cusanelli’s attire on J6 (in grey suit).

That did not stop the Feds from enlisting Hale-Cusanelli’s roommate to wiretap himself and goad Hale-Cusanelli into conversations about a “civil war” until they got the edited soundbite they needed to indict him for his rhetoric. These wiretapped recordings were made in the comfort of Hale-Cusanelli’s own home and kept him in pretrial detention for years.

Please see Hale-Cusanelli’s tweet showcasing a recording played at his trial of his Fed roommate goading him into a conversation about Biden’s inauguration while wiretapped. It is absolutely sickening, and a must-hear:

There’s still a lot I’ve not revealed about my journey through this 3 years-long psyop. But for the record, I called out entrapment and feds back when NCIS had my roommate wear a wire on me. The January 6 community needs to wake the hell up about our “advocates”. #J6…

— Tim Hale – Criminally Funny J6er (@LouisofMonmouth) January 27, 2024

“If I was just looking what the defendant did on January 6th, he would be a free man right now,” said Judge McFadden.

Let that sink in.

A J6er was kept in jail not for his “crimes” on January 6th, but for his free speech and thoughts.

The Dishonorable Judge McFadden made the decision to keep him in pre-trial detention because Hale-Cusanelli said “There may be a civil war” after being goaded by his wiretapped roommate to discuss the subject matter. Of course, the prosecutors did not play what Hale-Cusanelli said directly after, which was something along the lines of “Yea, I think there could be a civil war, but I don’t want to see people die.”

Hale-Cusanelli is an Army veteran.

Please help J6 defendants like Timothy Hale-Cusanelli HERE.

Hale-Cusanelli’s indictment also mentioned he had screenshots of “racist” memes in his phone, a copy of Mein Kampf on his library shelf, and some Fed interviews with his co-workers who said they thought he may be racist.

“If it was illegal to have politically incorrect memes in our phones, we would all be in jail,” said Tina Ryan of Citizen’s Against Political Persecution. “Regardless, memes on one’s phone is not even relevant to January 6th crimes- or any crimes for that matter. Nor are the books on their shelves. Furthermore, where is the old ACLU that defended the KKK because they understood the importance of absolute free speech? This case was a perfect case for the Supreme Court to test if we still have a First Amendment in this country.”

Unvaccinated political prisoners were denied haircuts and shaves at DC Gulag. Courtesy of Timothy Hale-Cusanelli.

Hale-Cusanelli vehemently denies being an “anti-semite” or a white supremacist as the DOJ and the media painted him. He said he was interested in reading Mein Kampf because he is a history buff and that the Feds strategically picked that book off of a shelf of thousands.

“I also had books on my shelf about Communism, including the collected works of Marx and Engels that they didn’t bother to mention,” said Hale-Cusanelli. “That doesn’t make me a Marxist.”

Hale-Cusanelli also said that most of the co-workers interviewed by the Feds admitted to not knowing him in official documents. “The actual reports indicate these people were not my actual co-workers but personnel repeating hearsay,” said Hale-Cusanelli.

Here is Hale-Cusinell’s full statement he wanted to share with The Gateway Pundit audience:

“I ask that you share this for the sake of all those still enduring political persecution as a result of January 6. This video shows not just my release from federal prison, after 3 years of being wrongfully incarcerated by the Biden-Harris regime and being misrepresented by propagandist journalists, but also the side of my life the world never saw before I was condemned.

My name is Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli (aka Louis of Monmouth) and I’d like to tell you about my political persecution story.

I grew up like many American millennials as a product of my time. I reveled in dark humor and absurdism, and in fact spent over 14 years crafting satire, engaging in method acting, aspiring to a career of satire as an amateur comedian, and I was always the joker in my circle of friends growing up.

But life wasn’t all fun and games. I had sincerely held beliefs about duty and society. There was a kernel of structure within the chaos of my youth. That was the United States military, which I joined after high school, while studying history and the social sciences.

I’ve worked many jobs but I’d spent most of my adulthood serving the Department of Defense in one form or another. For 12 years, as an Army administrator or a Navy contractor, I pledged my loyalty to the United States of America.

Hale-Cusanelli is a navy vet that has lost his station with the Navy due to January 6th political  persecution.

Due to a rough upbringing, I often describe myself as a recovering nihilist. Like most my age, I also drifted through life resenting a system that was at best broken and at worst corrupt. I never believed I had a true say in the fate of my nation. That was until President Donald J. Trump offered a true alternative to the political establishment. In 2016, for the first time in my life, I could say my vote mattered. Trump won. I even attended his inauguration in 2017. And since then I’d watched year after year as those in power have tried to destroy him.

Before all the weaponized political prosecutions, brought against him by the Biden-Harris regime, and before they attempted to shoot him in the head, they of course rigged the 2020 election. Why argue about it when we all know it’s true? I went to DC on January 6 to hear a speech, hoping for the best possible outcome. I wore a suit and tie to mark the important historical occasion, which would either be Trump’s last public speech as President or – if we got lucky – the beginning of his second term. I eventually made my way to the Capitol for what I thought was going to be a peaceful protest. I instead walked into a honeypot set up by the Feds, was turned in to law enforcement by a confidant, and was framed as a morally deformed sociopath by prosecutors and the press.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli on January 6th.

I was wrongly called a white supremacist, when I was from a mixed-race family. I was wrongly called a far-right extremist, when I ran a labor union. I was wrongly called a Nazi-sympathizer, when I was a shock jock. I was wrongly called a terrorist, when I worked for the United States government. I was wrongly accused of planning a civil war, when I didn’t even own a firearm. And despite the fact that I never assaulted an officer, never damaged property, never stole anything from the Capitol, and never pre-planned anything for January 6 I was:

-hunted down, denied bail and indicted
-kept in solitary confinement for a year devoid of nutrition and sunlight
-denied medical care, basic hygiene, religious services and family visitation
-denied due process, lawyer visits and access to evidence
-denied a fair and speedy trial, a jury of my peers or a change of venue
-housed with Antifa and federal informants threatening to kill me and sabotage my criminal case
-publicly smeared as a far-right extremist, insurrectionist and domestic terrorist

Hale-Cusanelli in DC Gulag.

Wondering how they got away with all this over trespassing or picketing? After 16 months of rotting behind bars I was finally convicted of 18 USC 1512, “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding”, an Enron-era felony statute related to destruction of documents (which I hadn’t done), not walking into the Capitol to protest (which I had done). No motion or argument would make the Honorable Court see the nonsensical application of the law in my case. I was sentenced to 4 years in prison, over twice my federal sentencing guidelines. I endured all this for 3 years, and I would’ve spent more time behind bars had it not been for President Trump’s First Step Act. But my battle didn’t end with prison. I filed an appeal which still hasn’t been answered years after my conviction in early 2022. But there was a chance for relief.

This year SCOTUS ruled that 18 USC 1512 didn’t apply to January 6 defendants. I spent 3 years behind bars for at best misdemeanor conduct. My life was destroyed for a felony that for all intents and purposes doesn’t exist. I lost my home, my career, my uniform, my freedom, and worst – I was made a patsy by those who control the levers of power and was used as a weapon to hurt President Trump.

SCOTUS’ decision was a victory, yes? No. I and everyone wrongfully convicted of this statute should be totally exonerated. And there is confirmation that some defendants are having their 1512 convictions vacated and ongoing prosecutions for 1512 are being dropped. This is not universal, however. This has not applied to me for instance.

The DOJ refuses to move that my wrongful conviction under 1512 be vacated. They’ve failed to return my property in over 3 years because there’s an “open investigation” long after I’ve already been convicted and served my sentence. They’ve refused to commit to dropping my supervised release conditions, so I can travel freely, after having already served a sentence for a felony I never should’ve been charged with. They’ve not made an effort to lift a fraudulent lien they’ve recently put against me despite having made consistent restitution payments every month. And this goes without saying, but I’ve absolutely not been apologized to for having been framed, for having had my public and private lives torn apart for a media narrative, and for having lost years of my life due to malicious prosecution over a fake felony charge.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli.

I cannot get relief from the DOJ, so I am now waiting on the Appellate Court to review my appeal filed years ago after my conviction. I take up the gauntlet thrown down by the cowardly bastards in charge of the Department of Justice. I defy this corrupt administration, and I maintain my resolve. Not one step back. I’m in this to win. The feds and their media sycophants are going to learn the hard way that they can’t smear me into submission. And they won’t destroy my brothers from the Gulag if I have anything to say about it.

As a weapons contractor for the US Navy I served as shop steward and union rep, working with workers against abusive managers. After going to the DC Gulag following my arrest my contempt for abusers of the condemned didn’t vanish. I became the “union rep” of the DC Gulag’s “Patriot Pod” of C2B, wrote up grievances and petitions for inmates and organizing protests against the jail’s violations of our civil rights, drafted defenses for inmates being wrongfully disciplined, and even created a Constitution for the inmates of C2B to keep the peace. I kept the working core of J6 defendants, largely working class men and veterans, united against attacks from Antifa and jailhouse informants.

And while the patriots stayed united within the Gulag, my family kept the families of J6ers united on the outside, with a 501c3 charity called Patriot Freedom Project. PFP was the first organization attempting to help J6ers, with an extra emphasis on preserving their families. PFP has raised millions of dollars which has helped hundreds of defendants pay their rent, make car payments, help with the holidays, provide commissary funds, and even assist with legal fees.

I’m happy to say that while there are a lot of copycat groups that got into the game late, PFP has been the very first, been around the longest, helped the most people, and is the most transparent J6 fundraiser with available tax returns right on the website. And PFP is of course endorsed by President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance. And it’s not hard to see why.

But the fight to keep J6ers’ heads above water, and keep their families together, hasn’t ended. You can assist the greatest grassroots crusade against political persecution by donating at and make a big difference in a patriot’s life. I hope you do, because this political inquisition of the Biden-Harris regime is only going to get worse with time. The feds have already started to substitute charging defendants with 18 USC 372, “Conspiracy to Prevent an Officer from Discharging Any Duties”, in place of 18 USC 1512.

In the meantime, I have been using my newfound freedom from prison to continue my work as a “union rep” for J6ers. I have released video footage vindicating convicted defendants who were framed, I have exposed federal informants who sabotaged other defendants’ cases, and I have built a Twitter/X following exposing the “insurrection” as a fedsurrection hoax. In fact, the first thing I did after leaving prison was release my personal video from January 6, held from the public by the feds for their political narratives, showing I and others were peaceful at the Capitol and walked into a trap set by the likes of Ray Epps and the patsies working with him.

You can find my research and advocacy for the men I was forced to leave behind at and I hope it gives you insight into how I and others were smeared by a government we served faithfully. It has all come down to this. The ultimate gambit. For the redress of a generation. I will not rest until every one of my friends from the Gulag is out of prison and back with their loved ones, and neither should you.”

My name is Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli…

Comedian. Polymath. Soldier. Activist.
Political Prisoner DC-DOC 376441 / BOP 25995-509

Please help J6 defendants like Timothy Hale-Cusanelli HERE.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli before his persecution by the Biden/Harris Regime.

Follow Timothy on Twitter HERE. and share your thought in the comments below.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post Nonviolent Comedian Convicted For Satire After January 6th is Still Fighting the DOJ After Serving a Three Year Sentence! “Convicted For Thought Crimes!” INSANE MUST-READ STORY! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.