This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission and edited by The Gateway Pundit for clarity.
The group at United Sovereign Americans has filed a number of election lawsuits in an effort to demand US elections comply with US laws.
United Sovereign Americans is doing all it can to ensure fair and transparent elections. reported previously,
United Sovereign Americans, a nonpartisan, all-volunteer organization dedicated to honest elections, has just released a report detailing millions of errors discovered in state voter databases in twenty states that account for 338 electoral votes. The report can be found at
Their team of data analysts has over 700 years of big-data and auditing experience. They have acquired multiple copies of actual state voter databases for 2022, and their peer-reviewed analyses have discovered 29 million apparently ineligible voter registrations, 10 million votes cast by those ineligible registrations, and 2 million more votes counted than voters who voted, leading to a 13% vote error rate, where the legally allowed error rate is 0.0008% (1/125,000).
Every entry in a state voter database is a potential vote, and this level of error means bad actors can inject votes into an election that appear to be completely valid.
“Our auditors found 29 million voter registrations that need to be removed, explained or adjudicated and repaired,” says Marly Hornik, CEO of United Sovereign Americans, “Is this malice, arrogance, or incompetence? We demand comprehensive investigations on how these illegal records got into our voting systems. It appears that our election officials are derelict in their duties to follow existing election laws. Until these errors are fixed, every reported election result in the country is, tragically, unreliable.”
Harry Haury, Chairman of USA, an expert in elections and cybersecurity, was involved with the authoring of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002. He says “This is not simply verifying accuracy. This is a wholesale abdication of duty. Are we looking at fraud? Congress and the courts thought so in the 1800’s, but now with opaque, unprovable systems we seem to have forgotten our lessons from over a century ago.”
The result of the analyses completed using each state’s official records from the 2022 General Election is compiled into an Election Validity Scorecard, which illustrates the categories of irregularities in voter registrations and vote counts, and the discrepancies in officially reported election results.
This work represents thousands of hours, and equates to millions of dollars in programming, analysis, and legal research, and has been done exclusively by volunteers with over 700 years of combined big data and auditing expertise. This work is subject to rigorous peer review. Each scorecard meets the standard of evidence in court and is filed with the federal lawsuit in its respective state and becomes a matter of public record.
Last night, United Sovereign Americans shared an update on their work to date.
From the press release:
Amidst fears that noncitizens will impact the electoral outcome of 2024 races nationwide, United Sovereign Americans has filed suit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, alleging that she failed to verify the authenticity of at least 57,978,855 facially invalid voter data records, regardless of citizenship status, and authorized at least 369,107 potentially illegal votes from questionable registrants in the 2022 general election. Also named as defendant is Attorney General Dana Nessel, who Plaintiffs allege has failed to enforce state laws that would have prevented this civil rights injury to all qualified Michigan voters, and US Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has failed to enforce federal law. Petitioners assert these officials did not provide a legally reliable election in the 2022 general election, according to the standards set by the United States Congress.
In the Help America Vote Act, Congress set a maximum error rate for a reliable federal election of 1 in 10,000,000 ballot positions (though Petitioners here have used the more Respondent-friendly number of 1 in 500,000 to make the point even more clear). This number translates into 1 out of 125,000 ballots in error permitted by law. A ballot position is a circle on a ballot. After careful analysis of Michigan official state records regarding the 2022 midterm, that accuracy requirement appears to have been ignored. Plaintiffs allege that Michigan state officials counted 17,973 more votes than their raw data records show voters having voted. Meanwhile Michigan state officials counted 3,168 more votes than the county Poll Book records show voters having voted. In addition, Michigan state officials counted 14,058 more votes than their “Official” list of voters records show having voted. In a reliable election, there would have been no more than 36 errors statewide.
Joining United Sovereign Americans are Michigan Fair Elections Institute, Timothy Mauro-Vetter, Braden Giacobazzi, Phani Mantravadi, Philip O’Hallorin, Donna Brandenburg, and Nick Somberg.
Representing the plaintiffs is Bruce L. Castor, Jr. of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim.
They argue that, “While Petitioners cannot state with certainty that the 2022 Michigan General Election produced “winning” candidates who should not have won, Petitioners believe and therefore aver that Michigan officials cannot state with certainty that all “winning” candidates received more votes than the “losing” candidates because the election itself was compromised by the State’s failure to conform to the requirements of federal law designed to ensure reliable election results.”
Petitioners have made numerous attempts to inform state officials of this problem, yet Defendants and their respective offices remain unwilling to examine evidence and bring the Michigan voting system into compliance. The Mandamus action seeks a court order that the 2024 election be conducted according to all applicable constitutional, federal, and state laws protecting the fundamental right of every American to choose representatives in a fairly and honestly conducted election.
States have a dual responsibility under the United States Constitution to protect against denial of the vote, and dilution of valid votes with invalid ballots procured by corruption. In the presence of uncertainty, the law presumes fraud and the State of Michigan must produce records proving accuracy. Defendants have been unwilling to do so. The concern Plaintiffs raise is that the civil rights harm sustained by every qualified Michigan voter in 2022, absent intervention by the court, will occur again in 2024 and subsequent federal elections. When a state fails to protect voting rights, federal apportionment can be reduced. While the State of Michigan prefers everyone to believe these are “innocent” mistakes, the law requires investigation before certifying results.
United Sovereign Americans is also suing state officials in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Ohio, and plans to continuing filing lawsuits until every state provides their citizens with Constitutionallv valid elections.
God bless those who stand up for election integrity in US elections.
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