This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire
By Jeff M. Smith
Real Clear Wire
Establish a bipartisan national COVID commission to conduct “a review of China’s negligence and cover-up as well as an evaluation of domestic policies that were implemented” in response to the pandemic;
Create a bipartisan reparations or compensation task force to cover claims against the Chinese government;
Facilitate the filing of civil claims against China to allow civilians harmed by COVID to receive compensation by amending the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act;
Decouple U.S. government and commercial supply chains from Chinese state-backed companies;
Audit all U.S. government funding for biomedical research and related research activities in China;
Impose economic sanctions on Chinese officials and entities who were complicit in or supported the “distortion and concealment” of information related to the COVID pandemic.
The post COVID-19: The Preventable Pandemic appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.