EPIC: Venezuelans Topple Statues of Late Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez Following Rigged Elections (VIDEO)

Venezuelans sick of their country being raped and pillaged by socialist gangsters expressed their anger by pulling down statues of the late Hugo Chavez.

The protests took place after the ruling Maduro regime blatantly an election from the conservative opposition.


Otra estatua del tirano Hugo Chávez es destruida por los venezolanos cansados de socialismo. Esta vez en Mariara, Carabobo. pic.twitter.com/b9854XWl9o

— UHN Plus (@UHN_Plus) July 30, 2024

#Venezuela: The statue of Hugo Chávez in Falcón state is being toppled amid growing protests against electoral fraud by Maduro’s tyrannical regime.

When people stand united, they become an unstoppable force for progress!#FreeVenezuela #OpVenezuela #VenezuelaLibre pic.twitter.com/VboVktr6l7

— Anonymous TV (@YourAnonTV) July 29, 2024

Another Chavez statue toppled in Plaza Urdaneta, Calabozo, Guarico state #Venezuela https://t.co/qrLNOqe3pu

— CNW (@ConflictsW) July 29, 2024

Chavez, who led the country from 1998 until his death from cancer in 2013, implemented the socialistic Bolivarian Revolution that won plaudits from Democrats and leftists around the world.

While Chavez’s socialist reforms initially led to a reduction in poverty on account of the global oil boom, they eventually left the country bankrupt.

Under his leadership, Chavez also built a cult of personality that has since been exacerbated by his death. Statues, murals and tributes to his life remain stationed across the country.

By the time of his death, Venezuela had become the poorest and most dangerous country in Latin America, having previously been the richest and one of the safest.

As a result, millions of Venezuelans have fled the country in search of opportunities elsewhere, with many traveling as far as the U.S. to take advantage of Biden’s open border.

Venezuela is now run by Chavez’s handpicked successor, Nicolas Maduro, who has successfully rigged three presidential elections on the bounce.

While the Biden regime is publicly condemning the Maduro regime’s actions in Venezuela, Democrats will inevitably be taking notes on things they can learn on how to destroy a thriving democracy.

The post EPIC: Venezuelans Topple Statues of Late Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez Following Rigged Elections (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.